Monday, December 04, 2006

30 Rock Given Full Season Pick-up

I find 30 Rock very cute. it's by no means great, but it has moments. Alec Baldwin is great and I appreciate that Tina Fey looks like a real human being, not a painted doll like most actresses on TV. Good to NBC for giving this show a chance to grow.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Lifetime picks up Army Wives

Kim Delaney (NYPD Blue) and Catherine Bell (JAG) will star in the drama about women living on an army base.

From Variety:
"Wives" will follow the struggles, dreams and friendships of a diverse group of women -- and one man -- whose military spouses and families live on an active Army post.

"At its heart, 'Army Wives' is the story of how people keep going in spite of war," Lifetime entertainment prexy Susanne Daniels said.

Sounds a bit familiar to The Unit. We'll see.

Allison Janney in Sitcom

The guys who created Two and a Half Men are working on putting together a sitcom for Allison Janney at CBS. Premise is that Janney will be a "successful woman who's re-examining the relationships in her life." (Variety)

Premise sounds a bit thin -- but we are excited to see Janney back on TV.

Is Pink Powerful?

Kansas State has an interesting piece on how women have taken typical girly pink and reclaimed it as a power color.

Stereotypical feminine color becomes large part of pop culture

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