Thursday, August 25, 2005

What We Need to Know Today

Topic of the Day
Muslim women in Southern India are beginning a revolution. They have created a female jamat (community of elders), traditionally an all male body, to adjudicate community issues. Their goal is to have an all female mosque.

Women's Rights in Iraq
The heat in Texas must be getting to George Bush cause he keeps insisting that Iraqi women will have basic fundamental rights in the new constitution.

This comes from the bi-partisan Congressional Iraqi Women's Caucus leaders Ellen Tauscher, D-Walnut Creek, and Kay Granger, R-Texas.
They "warned the president that rolling back the rights of any group in Iraq would threaten the country's long-term stability and its ability to become a functioning democracy. If the document remains unchanged, it holds the potential for codifying discrimination against women as well as limiting fundamental human rights for all Iraqis in a manner that may threaten the growth of democracy and freedom in Iraq.''

Why don't we care more about this? I don't think there has been enough outcry on this situation.

Supreme Court Update
Senator Dianne Feinstein is still planning on stepping up to the plate in the hearings next month.
“As the only woman on the committee, I have an additional role to play: representing the views and concerns of 145 million American women during this hearing process,” Feinstein said. “It is my hope that Judge Roberts would play a role similar to Justice O'Connor's … and bring with him a voice defined by temperance and open-mindedness.”

Don't Miss
In honor of Women's Equality Day (which is tomorrow), Ellen Goodman hands out her sexism awards for the year. Great column.

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